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Here to help you overcome anxiety and live the life you dream of


Hi, I'm Natalie

I support people with anxiety to move out of overwhelm into a more balanced life. Anxiety can be a healthy emotion but sometimes it start to become something we feel too often and hold us back from what we want to be doing.


Some things you might be experiencing are:

  • staying home instead of socialising

  • holding back from sharing your (great) ideas at work 

  • getting lost in thoughts of could haves and should haves


I specialise in working with people who feel lost, anxious, and unsure how to move forward, helping them to take small, manageable steps towards a happier future.

Are you ready to start living yours?


Does this sound familiar...

Feeling tired, stressed and fed up?

Living a loop of the same day over and over

Feeling unsure how to get from here to the life you really want

Let's chat about how you want things to be different.

Together, we can

figure out a way forward

You might be anxious about work, seeing friends, or not really sure what your anxiety is about but finding it really difficult to get things done.


Counselling can help with anxiety by reflecting on the things that make us anxious, the things we wish were different and learning new ways to manage the anxiety,

Image by Luca Bravo

How To Work With Me

Image by Nick Morrison

Online Counselling

Access counselling anywhere via Zoom. Great for people who work from home and have a busy schedule.


In Person Counselling

An in person session at one of the meeting rooms I use locally in Warwickshire. Great for people who like to get out and about, and feel like an in person connection is really important to them.


Ready to get started?

An introductory call helps many people to talk through any worries about counselling, they can hear my voice, and see how they feel when talking to me so why not find 20 minutes in your schedule to have a chat with me about how counselling could help you?

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